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Effects of different types of water-retaining agents on water use efficiency and root morphology of winter wheat



The water-retaining agent satisfies the crop's demand for water through water absorption ⁃slow water release process, coupled with changes in soil physical properties, which affects the growth and development of the crop.
The water-retaining agent satisfies the crop's demand for water through water absorption ⁃slow water release process, coupled with changes in soil physical properties, which affects the growth and development of the crop. At present, the research on the application of water-retaining agents in agricultural production mainly focuses on corn, wheat, soybeans, cotton, peanuts, flue-cured tobacco and other agricultural crops, kiwifruit, apple and other fruit trees, and Chinese cabbage, pepper and other vegetables. Regarding wheat research, Huang Zhanbin et al. And Li Yunkai found that water-retaining agents can significantly promote wheat tillering; Yang Xiaoyun et al.'S research in dry farming areas shows that water-retaining agents can increase winter wheat yield by 10.9%. This study found that the type of water-retaining agent and the amount of application had no significant effect on the number of winter wheat seedlings (2.12 million plants · hm-2), which may be due to the sufficient water supply when winter wheat was planted, and the lack of water shortage problems for seed germination and emergence . Water-retaining agents can significantly increase the number of winter wheat stems and tillers, flag leaf area, yield and its constituent elements, but the effect on winter wheat spike length is not significant. However, the effects of different types of water-retaining agents on the growth and yield of winter wheat are significantly different, which is consistent with the results of Huang Zhanbin et al. This study shows that the amount of water-retaining agent also has a significant effect on the effective ear number, thousand-grain weight and yield of winter wheat.